Chelsea's Run 2013 Event Recap
Chelsea King was a stand-out high school scholar and athlete whose life was cut short by a heinous act in the midst of a training run in February 2010. Bolstered by the core values that she embodied, the Chelsea’s Light Foundation was established by her parents Kelly and Brent King to unite people who are passionate about protecting children and instilling positive change.
Chelsea’s loss affected thousands in the San Diego community, including local CRC and Clark Construction employees. In the midst of planning the 2010 CRC CARES Open, event organizers Jim Forburger and Veronica Natividad reached out to Chelsea’s Light Foundation and selected the charity’s Sunflower Scholarship Fund as a beneficiary of the annual charity golf tournament. The scholarship, named after Chelsea’s favorite flower, awards academic scholarships to college-bound San Diego high school seniors who embrace Chelsea’s service-over-self ethic.
The Kings decided to leave San Diego shortly after the tragedy and return to Naperville, Illinois where they previously lived to give their younger son Tyler a sense of familiarity and a fresh start. Deeply touched by the contribution from CRC CARES, Clark Construction, and its generous sponsors, Brent King made a special trip back to San Diego to attend the golf tournament. It was at the dinner and awards reception where Brent named CRC CARES and Clark Construction honorary sponsors of their inaugural Finish Chelsea’s Run in March 2011 and extended a personal invitation to Veronica to join the race planning committee. Jim was also invited to serve on the Board and remains actively involved with reviewing scholarship applications and interviewing the top candidates.
The annual Finish Chelsea’s Run in Balboa Park has become the primary fundraiser for the Chelsea’s Light Sunflower Scholarship Fund, attracting more than 6,000 race participants across the country. The CRC CARES team, comprised of CRC and Clark Construction employees and their family members, participates in the 5K run/walk each year and was recognized as the largest corporate team at the 2013 race. The event continues to be a moving and healing experience that promotes community engagement, awareness and visibility in support of stricter sex offender laws and the safety of children everywhere.